Electric Landscape
by Zia, the Earthly Dakini
Understanding what I am.
as a woman
as a dakini
Its the beginning , I know I am naive to this new world
and realms.
I do feel different than I used to, I can actually feel
myself now, and others.
I' m understanding what Real Love is
and what its not.
I don't want anything less than Real
Love is Big - unconditional
In love I want to give myself completely
In Love I feel an infinite ocean between you, I and God.
In love my body fills with energy and juice.
Creating space
Love floods from the heart through each cell, and shines
through the eyes.
Love moves people
We made the waitress at the sushi restraunt look twice, and
then smile. We walked into rooms and people turned heads.
Love attracts attention like bees to pollen.
The Beloved has no form.
I can be your friend, lover, sister, business partner,
mother, whatever.
Love has no shape, color, no form.
Maybe it really was only me that was having the experience,
and you were merely following my lead.
That's fine,
now you have experienced what its like to Be in Love.
In the state of union
In the state of Love
The state of love pierces through the hearts of many.
The state of love penetrates every being alive.
We've all experienced it one form or another.
A little or a lot. Taken from it here or there.
It rings & sings,
softly and loudly
It's of many flavors and spices.
Its all consuming.
Its an electric landscape.
How can it be that I was the only one that had the
Did you not feel all that I felt?
Did you not feel the ecstatic Truth, Love and Beauty that
was circulating between us?
It was moving in us in many different ways, all
very fast and oh so slow.
With the breath
loved moved through with a subtle smoothness.
I felt as if I could give you all and everything
I felt we could do all and everything.
I felt like we could heal others with our love
I felt God in all of you and all of me.
People say Love is a tragedy when you loose it, or
it leaves you.
Love opens inside even deeper
the Broken hearted are more vulnerable, soft & open.
I'm choosing to still stay In Love, with you
I can be that for you
I'll be in love with you, even thought you are not with me.
I'll be in love throughout the days and nights.
In love your touch is so soft.
It nourished my soul so deeply.
Did you know that your breath touched my soul?
Your breath synchronized
with mine
Your face close to mine was ecstatic.
Like the softest, velveteen, fuscia petals, of
an orchid.
Love colors all.
The simplest gestures.
A look in the eye, small movements of your
hand touching mine.
Each moment, each touch creates union
between you and I.
Not every part of my body was touched by your
body. But from
eye to eye, we made love thousand of times.
It went fast, came powerfully one morning.
And left shortly, in days, one evening.
I know that people are constantly writing, talking,
singing, and painting about love.
Its the most popular thing.
Its all been written, said and done before.
Yet it still has me moving this pen.
It lives endlessly in each of us.
Its waiting to be awakened.
Don't be afraid, I know its big.
Don't run, It's what you want.
Don't hide,
its all we really have.
Your not in front of me now, but I write to you.
BJork's lyrics wrote,
"I miss you, and I havent met you yet"
and another....
" You'll be given Love, you'll be taken care of ,
you'll have to trust it, maybe not from the sources you
have poured yours,
maybe not from the directions you are staring at,
trust your head around, its all around you.
All is full of love, all around you,
you just aint recieving, your phone is off the hook, your
doors are shut,
all is full of love."
You may not be in front of me
for along time.
or ever.
But the feeling lays inside me awake and ready.
I take the risk of love,
there's nothing to lose.