Tuesday, November 08, 2005

First off, looking back at my day yesterday. I saw how spontaneous the
celebration of the day was. Nothing planned, yet it all fell into place perfectly.
After writing my blog, I had a suprise dinner party in the house, along with some very special gifts.
Daniel, my brother who is only a mere 18, painted me an amazing piece of art work of a woman and
her child sitting under the moon. Wow it's a knockout!
As the day turned up I was surrounded with love, family and friends, feasting near and far.
(AlJabar via ichat)

Today, we had a fabulous experience today learning about baby wearing.
Carrie, a knowledgable women, I met a few weeks ago, came over and taught mursshud and I about baby wearing
with slings, mei tai's, and wraps. She has a website, peacefulbeginnings.net, with all kinds
of great conscious birthing information.
Ths particular picture is of M, and Cole, paul and Karen's son. Our lil B, was resting.
It was a fun filled family day.


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